Start the Process for your Dream Build!


Ready to start building your dream space?

Step One

Give our Client Service Team a call.

They can answer any of your questions and point you in the right direction. Alternatively, you can fill out the contact information form and design questionnaire as best you can, send it to us and we will contact you. This form can help you narrow your focus and give you a better idea of what is involved in your build so you can start the process and get you to the next step.

Step Two

Book a Consultation.

Once our Client Service team has a better idea of what your interested in we can book your personal design consultation, with our design team, and we are ready to start planning your dream space. Once we are in the design process we like to be really thorough and meticulous, we will develop detailed 3D plans to make sure you know exactly what your home will look like.

Please note there will be a non refundable design consultation fee so that we can spend the necessary time on an often complex process of getting the details right. Once we get the design down with all the finishing details we can give you a more detailed quote, beyond the base prices listed below, and begin your build.

For the DIYers we also offer self build options depending on where you would like to take over the building/finishing process. Please see our page on “Building your Shell”, off the main page.

Step Three

We will draw up a written contract and take a deposit of 60% to start your build. We will take a second draw midway (36%) and the remaining upon delivery.

We will be offering a third party financing plan to qualified buyers, please indicate your interest on your questionnaire.